On Sat, Sep 14, 2002 at 11:59:26AM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> On 13 Sep 2002 19:42:26 -0600, S. Anderson wrote:
> > 
> > When I use Style * NoHandles in my .fvwm2rc, CursorStyle definitions
> > using xpm don't work anymore, and the border width for windows is set 
> > to 1 pixel. You can reproduce by putting just the following in your 
> > .fvwm2rc:
> > 
> > # start
> > Style * NoHandles
> > CursorStyle LEFT            /home/sa/.fvwm/cursors/resize_side.xpm
> > # end
> I think it worked this way always (2.2.x, 2.4.x).
> Without handles it is pretty difficult to determine where a corner
> and where starts and ends LEFT.
> If you want cursors on borders you may use this:
>   Style * Handles
>   BorderStyle -- HiddenHandles

ok, I assumed "Style * NoHandles" was supposed to do the same thing as
"BorderStyle -- HiddenHandles", which is what I usualy use.

but, I still think there is some wierdness going on here,
for instance if you do this in FvwmConsole:

Style * BorderWidth 5
Style * NoHandles
CursorStyle LEFT  gumby
#or CursorStyle LEFT resize_side.xpm

Then the border cursors work for all existing windows, but when
you open any new windows, the border cursors don't work on the new
windows only.

Is this how its supposed to work?

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