>>>>> "DV" == Dominik Vogt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

DV> Doesn't seem to work yet.  The last commit message from the 2.4
DV> branch looked like any other message before.

Internally the script keeps track of a branch and I changed it to
include that in the script, but it doesn't look like what it calls a
branch has anything to do with what you're calling a branch.  Either
that, or CVS has changed its output at some point.

The current scripts are pretty nasty; they were even nasty before I
started messing with them; I'm looking into other scripts that do the
same kind of thing as a fresh base for hacking.

DV> P.S.: Should I continue to mail you these messages personally in
DV> addition to the list mail or do you prefer to get them only via
DV> the lists?

There are some days when I barely get through my main inbox, much less
all of the other mail I get, so it's probably best to give me a CC if
it's even mildly important.

 - J<
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