Roland Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>>>> "dv" == dominik vogt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     dv> With the next fvwm release, I plan to modify the license on
>     dv> the parts of fvwm that I have written:
>     dv> Using my code will be allowed under the terms of the GNU
>     dv> Public License for:
>     dv>  - private use everywhere,
>     dv>  - use by non-government organisations that have humanitarian
>     dv>    goals or fight against all forms of war,
>     dv>  - use by anybody in the countries that do not dispatch
>     dv>    military forces against Iraq.
>     dv> Using fvwm is explicitly forbidden in any country that does
>     dv> send military forces against Iraq:
>     dv>  - in their public administration and government
>     dv>  - in educational institutions and research istitutes
>     dv>  - in companies.
> I used to use fvwm 1, long ago, and then fvwm2 on my Sparc IPCs.
> Eventually I switched to Enlightenment since it came with RedHat and
> let me do most of what I had been doing with fvwm2.  With RedHat 8.0,
> this was no longer the case, and I went back to fvwm2, using the beta
> version to get Gnome session managment.  Additionally, fvwm2 lets me
> run a very light-weight session which is useful for some of the
> graphics applications I am using.
> With this change in licensing, I can no longer use fvwm2 for the
> computer in my office since it is a company computer.  It can be
> reasonably argued that my "home" computer is also disallowed since I
> do consulting work on that computer.  In short, even thought is
> requires some work to get fvwm onto my RedHat system, it was worth it.
> Now it is about to be forbidden.
> As a result, I've switched to KDE and am now trying to figure out how
> to get all my old shortcuts, menus, and behavior working.  I'm not
> going to try to argue you out of your position, but you need to know
> what the effects of your choice are and that's all I'm trying to
> convey.  
> I will also be dropping off the list soon, there's little point in my
> staying since I no longer have any stake or interest in fvwm2.

Slow down.
The license hasn't changed, and I predict it won't change.

Dan Espen                           E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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