On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 10:49:10 +0100
Uwe Pross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Changed. At the moment I am playing around with the web
> sites. There are several things I don't like on the current
> design....

        Hooray! I'm glad to see they finally got your directory back online.

        I'll take a look at your php files later today or this evening. 

        The one thing I noticed right away is that you probably want to make
some changes to accommodate register_globals = off (the default setting
in PHP 4.2, for security reasons) - e.g., in place of the lines that

        $requested_file = basename($PHP_SELF);

you'd want to do something like this:

        if (PHP_VERSION < 4.1)  {
          $requested_file = basename($HTTP_SERVER_VARS[PHP_SELF]);
          }  else  {
          $requested_file = basename($_SERVER[PHP_SELF]);

(and $HTTP_SERVER_VARS has to be declared global).

        Since I can make piddling little changes like this in less time than it
takes to describe them, I think we ought to look into putting this stuff
in CVS. Is it feasible to make a special test website directory on the
FVWM CVS server that doesn't get pulled into distributions? Do you have
CVS access, by the way? (I'm just thinking of this as a convenient
source repository, I'm not suggesting that we hook the test pages into
the FVWM Web server, even as temporary undocumented URL's.) Or is there
a better place to do it?

        Oh, and I didn't notice whether we got a reply to the question of
whether we have PHP currently on our server. Jason, do we, and if so,
what release?


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