Hi Jason,

On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:

> UP> Could you please create an cvs account for me with the following
> UP> username and password?
> You should be set up.  Remember that you will need to check out a
> completely fresh tree in order to be able to commit.

Thank you.

> UP> We may also need a new cvs tree which does not belong to the
> UP> fvwm-package.
> Could you elaborate on what you might need?  I can give you another
> module or a completely separate repository if you need it.

Bob and me (and maybe others) will work on the new fvwm-web
site. During the development the new site should not be
shown when requesting for www.fvwm.org. 

I am not an expert for cvs. In my cvs repository I would
create a new tree for the new page - but maybe the is
another better solution.

Some thoughts to the cvs control for the new web page: 

I think it would be good if the new page tree is separated
from the old one in the cvs. This makes it possible to
discard the old page when the new has been set up. It would
be also good if the new page would be accessable via
fvwm.org (www.fvwm.org/new_page or something like this) to
get other developers an idea how the development of the web
pages goes on. For this it would be good if changes to the
cvs tree of the new page effect directly the subdirectory
on the web server like it is now when commiting changes to
the fvwm-web tree. If this is not possible I will keep a
online version at my homepage like it is now.

Maybe Bob or other developers can make a comment what is a
good way to put the new page under cvs control.

BTW: I realized that fvwm.org is mirrored by
     fvwm.sourceforge.net and maybe by others as well. If
     we use php for the new page and support the usage of
     different page styles we might need to make sure that
     the mirrors support this as well. 

Regards, Uwe
| Uwe Pross                              
| http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~uwp
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