Hi there,

On 29 Apr 2003 at 10:45:38 -0400, Bob Woodside wrote:

> It's clearly the graphics that cause it. 

It's is mix of the size of the graphics and the number of
files to load. The window decoration requires quite a lot of
small files. Each of them needs a own http request which has
a response time. These times needs also to take in account.

> On my cable connection the load time runs between 8 & 12
> seconds. For comparison, loading time in Lynx is
> sub-second; so there's no textual material that's slowing
> it down (which you addressed elsewhere in this thread).

> I just tried several more test loads - it looks like your
> smaller image change has propagated to the Web site - I'm
> now getting load times consistently in the range of about
> 5 - 7 seconds.

How fast is your cable connection?

BTW: The total size I have given was not correct. I have
  forgotten the window decoration pictures. They come to
  another 25 kByte.  Since they are loaded due style sheet
  definition they should be loaded at last after the
  background pic has been loaded.

Regards, Uwe
  ,_,  Uwe Pross
 (   ) http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~uwp
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