Hi there,

On 28 Apr 2003 at 08:23:32 +0200, Uwe Pross wrote:

> I have not made a decision yet. My current concept (in
> mind) is partinioning the functions as the are now in
> layout_default.inc in files and add some dependencies to
> this functions ...

This concept was not that good. I had set this up on my
computer and had some tries. I realized that it uses even
more cpu load than the class concept which I like more since
it is structured. I made some performance messurements which
showed that the class concept needs about 5 percent more cpu
load on the server than the current function concept. I
think that's resonable - I'd like to go with that.

I have ported the current default layout from May 1. The
last changes Bob made should be included. Currently I have
got the following files:

web-theme/classes/base_class.inc     // base class description
web-theme/classes/default_class.inc  // class for default theme
web-theme/classes/plain_class.inc    // class for plain theme

web-theme/helpers/members2globals.inc // converter definitions

web-theme/themes/default_theme.inc    // theme file
web-theme/themes/plain_theme.inc      // theme file
The theme files are almost ready. I think the
conv_link_target function has to be adapted only. 

The new class/theme files will be used if ?theme instead of
?layout is used in the url:

http://www.fvwm.org/?theme=default     // white pager to see the difference
http://www.fvwm.org/?theme=plain       // different navigation style

I commited it today so that changes on the layout files can
be made on the new files as well.

Regards, Uwe
  ,_,  Uwe Pross
 (   ) http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~uwp
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