On 15 Oct 2003 20:31:44 +1000, Scott Smedley wrote:
> Hi Mikhael,
> > FVWM adds a decoration frame to each toplevel window. I want to know
> > the window Id of this decoration frame so I can detect 'EnterWindow'
> > events (to fix a focusing race condition in FvwmTabs).
> It appears to be the great-grandparent of the toplevel window.
> I was able to get it with a trio of XQueryTree() calls, but I'm not
> sure how portable this is?

Take a look at:

  fvwm-perllib --man FVWM::Module::Tk

In the SYNOPSIS example I use $top->wrapper->[0].

I don't know what Tk does, it is very possible that it reparents their
widgets sometimes. I just don't know. I hope GTK+ is more consistent
(you may see its synopsys for the same example too).

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