Mikhael Goikhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I didn't check the patch yet, but I probably prefer this syntax:
>   --exec-mime="xv -nolimits; jpg|jpeg, mplayer -fs %n; mov|mpg|mpeg"
> Or better yet instead of your option, add this one:
>   --use-mailcap
> that just parses and uses existing ~/.mailcap and ~/.mime.types.

Sorry, I didn't see your post. Anyway I'm glad you have some good
ideas how to make this command-line option. Because I didn't like
it myself.

Then I will try to make this then

> P.S. I would like you to keep the strict indentation (one TAB only, never
> spaces) in the code, otherwise I will need to change it manually.
I will try to set this up too.


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