> > o I am writing a fvwm perl module and anticipate wanting to parse the
> > o window_flags data upon receiving each M_ADD_WINDOW event

> The proper solution is to serialize the flags without dumping C
> structures. Here is a discussion:
> http://www.hpc.uh.edu/fvwm/archive/0407/msg00186.html

Let's see if I understand this thread properly. (Tell me if I say
something incorrect.)

At the moment, whenever FVWM sends an M_ADD_WINDOW or M_CONFIGURE_WINDOW
packet, the last field in the packet is (effectively) a memcpy() of the
window_flags data-member from the ConfigWinPacket struct. The bit-value
of the window_flags data-member varies from compiler to compiler because
of byte alignment/padding, endianess, etc.

So the solution is to define precisely what each bit in a flags
field (of a packet) pertains to. This means that FVWM will carefully
"build" each bit in the flags field (selectively choosing only 50 or
so interesting flags from the window_flags struct). FVWM modules
that receive these packets now have to treat the flags field as
a specially-defined set of bits (relating directly to flags) instead
of a bundle of bits that fill a window_flags C struct.

Presumably we have to ensure that the 50 (or so) flags we decide to
export satisfy all the C FVWM modules. (Currently, the modules have
access to all 384 bits (on my platform) of the window_flags struct
& could potentially be using any of them.)

Re: perllib "breakage is auto-detected"

I'm not sure how perllib would detect the addition or removal of flags.

SCoTT. :)
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