On Fri, 1 Oct 2004 16:30:14 +0200  Dominik Vogt wrote about "Re: Notification: 

[some skip]

> ??? It can't have crashed in that line!  The only possible case
> would be if te is invalid, but then it should have crashed
> earlier, in line 3353:
>   unsigned long win = (unsigned long)te->xunmap.window;
> Besides, te is *never* invalid as it points to stack memory.  Can
> you please post the output of the following gdb commands (while
> debugging the core file):
>   (gdb) p te
>   (gdb) p te->xunmap.window
>   (gdb) p dpy
>   (gdb) p ea
>   (gdb) p ea->exc
>   (gdb) p ea->exc->x

Sure, here it is:

== start ==

(gdb) p te
$1 = (const XEvent *) 0x0
(gdb) p te->xunmap.window
Cannot access memory at address 0x14
(gdb) p dpy
$2 = (Display *) 0x811a000
(gdb) p ea
$3 = (const evh_args_t *) 0xbfbfe384
(gdb) p ea->exc
$4 = (const exec_context_t *) 0x818ee00
(gdb) p ea->exc->x
$5 = {etrigger = 0x818ee1c, elast = 0x810ade0}

== stop ==

Looks like te is NULL :-(

George 'Nephrite' Potapov
Inline Technologies
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