On Wed, 18 Jan 2006, Viktor Griph wrote:

When using the ActiveColorset menustyle, you also have to specify HiglightBack and/or ActiveFore (without arguments) in order to make the style use the colorset. Just using ActiveAcolorset has no effect what-so-ever. I think it would be good to make ActivColorset imply ST_DO_HILIGHT_FORE and ST_DO_HILIGHT_BACK.

I don't think many users use a colorset, of which they only want to use one (or no) color. By leaving the ability to turn off the use of the colors the current behaviour could be restored with a minor addition to a config file. Alternatively one could make ActiveCColorset imply ST_DO_HILIGHT_FORE and ST_DO_HILIGHT_BACK as long as none of those stiles have been used, which would only change behaviour for the few users that have an active colorset not used at the cost of one extra bit per menustyle.

Ok, I just realized why HilightBack can't be on by default, so I guess I'll have to withdraw my opinion.


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