Right now
Style * Colorset 1 #, HilightColorset 2
is the same as
Style * Colorset 1, HilightColorset 2
i.e. the # is simply ignored, which is somewhat correct according to the man page. However most users familiar with shell-scripts and perl scripts would think that the end of the first line is a comment, also the fact that fvwm does not warn about ignoring unused arguments to style parts makes it really hard to spot such a misstake in a config file. (I actually didn't know that fvwm-comments had to start on the first character of a line until I looked it up in the man page right now. (and the emacs mode does not deal with that either ;)))

However, it's not entierly sure that commetns only start on the beginning of a line, but they can also be before any command in stacked commands. This in all can confuse some users (me included) alot. I think it would be good to think over the comment syntax, and maybe extend it to allow end of line comments as well. Since this would beak config file compability (if someone actually needs a '#' somewhere in the config file that is not on the beginning of line (s)he would have to escape it) it will have to wait until after 2.6 is realeased.


One thing that probably can be done now, without to mush effort would be to add a warning for unconsumed non-whitespace characters following style options. It would also trap missing commas.


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