I have a transparent fvwmbutton which uses this colorset and font spec.

Colorset 9 fg grey70, fgAlpha 90, Transparent, RootTransparent buffer,
IconAlpha 90, fgsh black

Font "Shadow=1 1 SE:xft:Luxi Sans:Bold:pixelsize=13"

When I set the wallpaper using fvwm-root -r the shadow comes out as red in

Restarting fvwm sets the color right.

(Without the "fgsh black" part it stays red even after the restart.)

You can see the difference here..


This doesn't seem to happen with all wallpapers, It happens with this
particular one.

http://img426.imageshack.us/img426/706/altabadia2lf1.png (around 1.3MB)

I'm using fvwm-2.5.16


     Kingsly At Users Dot SourceForge Dot Net  -- http://kingsly.org/

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