Le Sat, 21 Mar 2020 15:20:06 +0000,
Thomas Adam <tho...@fvwm.org> a écrit :

> Hi everyone.
> Just emailing to check that everyone's OK and not suffering too much
> at the moment.  I know different countries are largely doing the same
> things as one another -- and I'm working from home for the
> foreseeable.

Western politicians are sick. From here:

these statistics shows only the identified cases.
             Total c.   Death p. Recovered p.  Active c. Cases/1Mo pop
Switzerland   6,746         79        15         6,652     779
Italy        53,578       4825      6072        42,681     886
China        81,008     81,008    71,740        71,740      56

In Switzerland, even the biggest hospitals have no rapid tests like in
China. If you are not between life and death, they just send you home
with no diagnostic, with not even a protection mask, but with the
consign to come back if things are going worst for you. I know that
because we have two cases at home. They are better now and keeping
improving. They will be fine. I am fine too. As much of us, I just
get barking during 2 weeks with a few sporadic and fugitive instants of
fatigue, but I am just fine now.

That statistic show than, if you are sick enough to get into the
hospital, you have more risks to die than to survive in Switzerland.
Even Italy is doing a much better job.

Politics are sick peoples. They last but not least message was "It
is time to loan money to the banks. If you cannot afford to pay
back into the future, the Confederation (our taxes!!!) will assume that
debt and pay the bank." After decades of eugenics economical policies
against the public sector, that virus is turning their system into
physical eugenics. That virus will maybe be the one that will put the
Swiss system on its knees. We will see.

> I really do hope no one's suffering and feeling unwell.  Let's keep
> in touch, please.

For now, is it spring and the weather is just fine. We are working and
having a good time in the garden, the kitchen is full of food and
we will more die of eating than of that virus.

I hope everyone of you and your families will be fine!

> Kindly,
> Thomas

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