On 14/03/2008, John Meissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I've been trying to reconfigure Fvwm after a long absence. In the distant
>  past I used Wharf, and I'd like to again.
>  Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to want to swallow the Pager. I'm specifying
>  *FvwmWharf Pager -      Swallow    "Pager"    Module FvwmPager 0 0
>  as noted in the doc page. It starts the Pager, but doesn't swallow it.
>  Suggestions?

The hangon must match the name of the pager.  This will be dependent
upon the desk you're on and what you have set for DesktopName (if
you're using FVWM 2.5.X) or the "Label" option to FvwmPager if you're

In either case as a catch all, you want:

*FvwmWharf Pager nil    Swallow    "FvwmPager"    Module FvwmPager 0 0

Interesting that you use FvwmWharf, I was hoping it was going to die.  :)

-- Thomas Adam

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