On 09/04/2008, Lucio Chiappetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Now I found that the laptop had been re-installed with OpenSuSE 10.2 My
> account survived but required some tweaking of the former .fvwmrc (for
> instance I had to change the ModulePath). The fvwm version on the new system

Why you're even touching ModulePath is unclear.  It's set by FVWM.
Leave it alone.

>  On the laptop instead when I hit control-L in acrobat reader, there is also
> the window manager decoration. Which is annoying (since the bottom part of
> the PDF document goes below the bottom of the screen.
>  Is this an fvwm thing, an acrobat thing or both ?

Oh, it will be almost certainly something in Acrobat Reader.  Some
xprop output would be nice here.

>  QUESTION: how can I force the automatical desktop switching ?

I am not sure you can.  This sounds like a quirk of Firefox to me.
You could emulate it though if you wanted.

-- Thomas Adam

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