On Wed, 7 May 2008, Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 06May2008 09:24, Lucio Chiappetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

it is possible to configure the list per-user to send daily MIME digests
instead of individual mails ?

To drift even further, I still don't understand why people prefer digests. I filter lists into separate folders on delivery

Possibly at the end I would revert to something like that if I can't subscribe to this (or other technical list) by digest.

Could you, as a digest preferrer, please explain what you like about

I like the fact I receive a single digest per day, and I'd have to do nothing about it on my side (not that I would not know how to emulate what you suggest above by procmail, I do lot of other things by procmail

In general I have classified mailing lists in two categories, important and secondary (most technical lists are secondary). Normally I receive everything in my inbox (but a digest FORCES me to check it only daily and ENFORCES this rule) ... when I go on holiday I divert all important lists to a single separate folder (so that I can read it second-priority when I come back), and all secondary lists to /dev/null.

Apart from that I normally look at the list of subjects at the beginning of the digest. In most cases I conclude there is nothing interesting today and delete the entire digest.

In the case there is something interesting, I'll expand the digest in a temporary folder (just found a nice way to attach a formail invocation to a single key in pine) and look at that.

NB strictly MIME digests with each message a separate RFC822 item.

I find digests handy even on non-technical lists. We have a "compulsory" list for all the staff of my organization. In principle it should be used only for announcements (conferences, jobs, etc.), but it is often used also for trade union announcements, complaints, discussions, And every time the traffic increases somebody start complaining, So we are thinking to moderate it and create another discussion list. By default everybody would be subscribed to the discussion list, but could unsubscribe. To discourage people from unsubscribing, and to discourage real time discussions (or "me too" messages) we are thinking to make digests the default for the discussion list, so people would receive a daily digest unless they require otherwise.

Anyhow, I repeat my question, is at all possible to receive digests from a majordomo list like fvwm ?

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info : http://www.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~lucio/personal.html
Do not blame ME, I did NOT vote Berlusconi.

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