2008/12/5 Theodore D. Sternberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> I'm using fvwm 2.4.20 and when I hold down a key (whether in an xterm or
>>> an rxvt) it doesn't repeat.
>> in the xterm or rxvt type:
>> xset r on
>> If that works, put it in your .xinitrc.
> It works, thanks!
> Where in .xinitrc should I put "xset r on"?  With my .xinitrc
> like this...
> #===========
> exec /usr/bin/fvwm
> xset r on
> #===========
> ...the "xset r on" doesn't seem to have an effect.
> Nor does it work if I reverse the order of those two lines.

Obviously -- exec replaces the current program -- you want it before
you exec fvwm.

-- Thomas Adam

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