2009/8/18 Viktor Griph <gr...@dd.chalmers.se>:
> 2009/8/18 Thomas Adam <thomas.ada...@gmail.com>:
>> 2009/8/18 John H. Moe <john...@optushome.com.au>:
>>> The only thing I can add is that it *seems* to happen after I launch my
>>> first KDE app (like KNetwalk, Kopete, K3B), but only sometimes.  And if
>>> the first one doesn't cause it, then it seems none do.  From what I
>>> understand, KDE apps have a few libs and/or programs that need to run in
>>> the background to work properly, and once they're loaded they stay
>> I suppose it's possible that some components of KDE are being loaded
>> which are intercepting key events -- GNOME can do this for instance
>> with its key-binding manager for multimedia keys which also let you
>> bind other keys -- FVWM never gets the event for this, and so the
>> effect is as you describe.  Perhaps KDE do something similar?  I
>> wouldn't know, nor care.
> I suspect that KDE remaps the keyboard on start.
> Compare the output of "xmodmap -pm" before and after you start KDE
> apps. If there are any changes at all to the output then that might
> explain the issue. There may also be other changes to the keyboard
> mapping that's going. FVWM does not respond to changes in the keyboard
> mapping after it has been launched.

Well, it does take note of MappingNotify, it just doesn't remap the
key bindings IFF the layout changes -- and I was talking to someone
the other day who wanted to do this -- but I am not convinced we

There's various reports of people complaining that with recent Xorgs,
the keyboard mapping happens to "quickly", with FVWM realising a
keyboard layout of "US" initially, but then the XServer changing it
from under its feet -- effectively making any bindings void until FVWM
is restarted (when it gets the correct keyboard layout).

-- Thomas Adam

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