2009/9/5 Marco Maggi <marco.maggi-i...@poste.it>:
> "Dominik Vogt" wrote:
>>On Sat, Sep 05, 2009 at 08:08:13AM +0200, Marco Maggi wrote:
>>> Ciao,
>>>   I am having the problem described here[1] and I wonder if
>>> someone is experiencing the same.
>>> [1] 
>>> <http://groups.google.com/group/comp.emacs/browse_thread/thread/215d350197511963#>
>>Add this line to your .fvwm2rc:
>>  BugOpts ExplainWindowPlacement
>>Then start eamcs and post the output on the console on this list.
> Is it a 2.4 feature?  I get:
> [FVWM][SetBugOptions]: <<ERROR>> Unknown Bug Option 'ExplainWindowPlacement'

It's not present in 2.4

> I will try with 2.5 later...

You should have done this before asking your initial question.  :P

-- Thomas Adam

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