On 26 February 2010 10:06, Tom Horsley <tom.hors...@att.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 09:39:47 +0000
> Thomas Adam wrote:
>> > When running fvwm, I can only move vertically. It is like
>> > fvwm is utterly ignoring the X movement, and only paying
>> > attention to Y movement.
>> OK -- attach xev to this QT window and capture the entire output when
>> you move the QT application up and down and then to the right and the
>> left?
> Here's what I tried (still using the fedora repo version, I'll
> try building cvs when I have more time later).

I installed the qt4 examples from Debian and ran the shapedclock
example -- FVWM CVS -- moved it up and down just fine.  No unmanaged
style, etc.

Can't be arsed to try 2.5.26.  Hopefully this will just work for you.
:)  If not, we'll go down the debug route more.

-- Thomas Adam

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