Ok, I volunteer. What's the system setup?


Am Freitag, 2. Juli 2010 schrieb Thomas Adam:
> Hi --
> On 2 July 2010 09:13, Nikolaus Klepp <off...@klepp.biz> wrote:
> > This is not directly a FVWM related question, but would it be possible to
> > restore the fvwm forum? I find myself frequently redirected to
> > fvwm.lair.be - which is down for ages.
> www.fvwmforums.org
> Until someone who has a clue about PhpBB (which isn't me) volunteers
> to help me get it up and running, then the forums are all but dead.
> Please search the mailing list archives for previous replies on this, from
> me.
> -- Thomas Adam

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