| On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 01:00:24PM -0400, Chris Siebenmann wrote:
| [.. other stuff snipped..]
| >  So, either I'm missing something about fvwm 2.5.30, or there's a bug
| > here. All things considered, the first is probably more likely -- does
| > anyone have any ideas?
| UpdateStyles?  Shouldn't be needed though as style lines are updated
| automatically.  Certainly I don't have a problem with the stuff you've
| posted.

 I tried putting UpdateStyles at the end of both functions and it didn't
seem to make a difference in what happened; it still looks like the
window I was repeatedly iconifying and deiconifying was not getting its
user state 1 turned off.

(Also, I tried inverting the sense of the user state, so that user state
1 started out off, things were guarded with 'ThisWindow (!State 1)', and
I used 'WindowStyle State 1' to turn it on, and this behaved the same

 Other WindowStyle style changes do get applied, even without an
UpdateStyles included in the function.

        - cks

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