On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 04:21:32PM -0800, Jason Timrod wrote:
> hi Jaimos,
> --- On Wed, 12/15/10, Jaimos Skriletz <jai...@diamond.boisestate.edu> wrote:
> > Thomas clearly explains why it won't be applied. FVWM is in
> > a feature freeze until 2.6 comes out. This is a new feature
> > (not a bug fix). From the link you read:
> > 
> what are the plans for the next release? is it near? i think ive read before 
> about 2.6.0 but that was ages ago - how long must us users wait before a new 
> release?
> whats left to be done, and why isnt the cvs version released as 2.6 already? 
> or am i missing something? :) who controls this process, and who can i talk 
> to about helping out?

The answer is as with many opensource software, when its ready. FVWM has very 
slow development (compared to other more main stream projects) but its still 
slowly moving forward.

If you are intersted in what is needed to be done check out the files docs/TODO 
and docs/todo-2.6 in the CVS tree. The second is a summary of the bugs/testing 
that plans to be done before the release of 2.6.

If your wanting 2.6 in the near future don't hold your breath, but it will 
eventally get released.


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