First I get inconvenience when start using gmrun (Win+R like in Windows app
which prompt command to execute with completion).

But I found annoying to move mouse or to switch focus by 'FocusWindow'
(Alt+TAB) to 'gmrun' app.

I have same issue when call "Save as..." and "Open file..." like dialog in
Firefox, etc.

So I read manual and FAQ. FAQ was useful:
                When my specific window (or all windows) pops up, I want it to
                get focus/be moved/be resized/be closed/be shaded... How?

I repeat most exactly:

  *FvwmEvent-NewWindow: Cmd
  *FvwmEvent-NewWindow: PassId
  *FvwmEvent-NewWindow: StartDelay 10
  *FvwmEvent-NewWindow: add_window MyFuncFocusWindow

  DestroyFunc MyFuncFocusWindow
  AddToFunc MyFuncFocusWindow
  + I FlipFocus
  + I WarpToWindow 50 50

  AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmEvent
  AddToFunc StartFunction I FvwmEvent FvwmEvent-NewWindow

So now any new window automatically get focus.

Does this setting provide behaviour same as in Windows?

That part of desktop environment responsible for such behaviour (I am noob, is
it session manager or windows manager or what)?


I try to break this solution by:

  $ xterm
  $ xmessage Hi
  $ /usr/lib/notification-daemon/notification-daemon &
  $ notify-send -t 10 Hi

After xmessage I lose focus, but after notify-send not. Why?

How can I control this by styling in Fvwn and programmatically in C lang?


I use:

  Style "*" SloppyFocus, MouseFocusClickRaises

for 4 year and now would like to hear what other people use to improve my
interaction with PC...

Thanks in any advice!


For whose interesting how I setup 'gmrun' as in Windows:

  $ cat ~/.fvwm/config
  Key R A 3 Exec exec gmrun

  $ cat ~/.xinitrc
  xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc

  $ cat ~/.xmodmaprc
  ! Win key.
  clear mod3
  clear mod4

  keycode 133 = Super_L
  ! keycode 134 = Multi_key
  ! keycode 134 = Super_R
  keycode 134 = Hyper_R
  add mod3 = Super_L
  add mod4 = Hyper_R

Best regards!

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