On 2012-08-14, Dan Espen wrote:

> Oleksandr Gavenko <gaven...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Debian Wheezy release (next stable) come with:
>>   $ fvwm-config -v
>>   2.5.30
> Way too old.  See below.
>> Debian have own menu system and I intensively use it. But time come and a few
>> people worry about old technologies. So new package have .desktop files with
>> high probability and have no menu files with zero probability.
>> I try to transform .desktop files in Fvwm readable format by:
>>   $ fvwm-menu-desktop --desktop gnome-sys
> Get a current version of fvwm from CVS.
> fvwm-menu-desktop has been completely re-written and will
> produce useful menus without any arguments at all.
Thank for answer. You info valuable to me!

Some notes on Fvwm on Debian. In Debian release 4.0 Fvwm come on CD-1, now it
with Debian 6.0 shifter to DVD-2 based on package popularity.

There are exist request to update Fvwm for newer release:

                Please upgrade fvwm to version 2.6.3
                newer upstream releases

without responses from package maintainers. Seems that maintainers have no
time for packaging new release. I will try to contact with them and will offer
my help.

>> Another question about FvwmGtk which mentioned in fvwm-menu-desktop(1).
>> It is currently doesn't ship in Debian. Does anyone know that a problem with
>> FvwmGtk as it rejected by Debian?
> Yes, it's based on an old version of gtk (version 1) and won't work with
> any modern distro.  There didn't seem to be anyone interested in
> updating FvwmGtk to something more current.

>> After a far bit more googling I found script:
>>   http://pastebin.com/ktGaAcgw
>>                 xdg-menu.py
> Yes, exactly what we used as a basis for the current fvwm-menu-desktop.
That's great!

>> I hope this info save time for other people.
> Too late.
OK, I understand...

For those who have interest in solution that I shown I want add tips that I
forget to write. These lines add icons to Gnome/KDE menus items (for most of
them, not to all):

  # Debian paths.
  ImagePath +:/usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/apps
  ImagePath +:/usr/share/icons/locolor/32x32/apps
  ImagePath +:/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
  ImagePath +:/usr/include/X11/bitmaps/
  # This paths contain large icons for some apps, they make menus look ugly...
  # ImagePath +:/usr/share/icons
  # ImagePath +:/usr/share/pixmaps

Best regards!

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