Oleksandr Gavenko <gaven...@gmail.com> writes:

> On 2012-09-30, Oleksandr Gavenko wrote:
>> I want to debug strange behaviour (if any interesting look below).
>> [SKIP]
>> With ~/.fvwm/config with only:
>>   DestroyFunc MyFuncFocusWindow
>>   AddToFunc MyFuncFocusWindow
>>   + I FlipFocus
>>   # + I WarpToWindow 50 50
>>   DestroyModuleConfig FvwmEvent-NewWindow
>>   *FvwmEvent-NewWindow: Cmd
>>   *FvwmEvent-NewWindow: add_window MyFuncFocusWindow
>>   AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmEvent
>>   AddToFunc StartFunction I FvwmEvent FvwmEvent-NewWindow
>> I have non expected behaviour in Emacs. Lets explain: with "M-x ediff-buffer"
>> command in Emacs Emacs spawn new window. By default it places on top right
>> corner of current page/desk.
>> But with MyFuncFocusWindow ediff window appear one page below and one page
>> right.
>> By design ediff window is helper window and must be showed on same page as
>> main Emacs window.
>> Such behaviour reproduced with Focus, FlipFocus, and WarpToWindow command.
>> If I restart Fvwm without killing fvwm (through default menu) strange
>> behaviour disappear.
>> I think that ediff window appear with some offset from main Emacs window, and
>> then move itself to proper place. FvwmEvent injected in the middle of this
>> process and break it.
> I slowly move on debugging my issue.
> Recently I found such settings:
>   Module FvwmDebug
>   BugOpts DisplayNewWindowNames on
>   BugOpts ExplainWindowPlacement on
>       vp_x         1280
>       vp_y         1024
>       desk_n       2
>       vp_width     1280
>       vp_height    1024
>       desk_pages_x 3
>       desk_pages_y 3
> I don't understand M_NEW_PAGE event.

The module interface is documented here (M_NEW_PAGE) entry:


Looks like the last 2 fields are new and need to be documented.

Dan Espen

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