Jaimos F Skriletz <jai...@diamond.boisestate.edu> writes:

> On 10/18/2012 09:47 AM, Roger Campbell wrote:
>>  Some where things went bad and I was unable to set the background
>>  and the "date&   time" tool any more. I can bring the tool up but I
>>  can not unlock the tool.
>>  I still can not unlock the "date and time" tool. The error in
>>  ~/.xsession-errors is :
>>  (gnome-control-center:2202): Gtk-WARNING **: Error acquiring \
>>  permission: Failed to acquire permission for action-id \
>>  org.gnome.controlcenter.datetime.configure
> It appears that you are trying to use the gnome date/time tool. Not sure
> if you have some policykit or issue with that but are you running a
> gnome pannel in fvwm? Fvwm does not come with a date/time tool. So
> support for that tool is not what this mailing list is for. So the issue
> you are having is with the gnome tool you are trying to use.
> My suggestion would be to use a far simpler tool such as FvwmScript
> (which getts the output of date from the cli), xclock, or many other
> simple clocks. You can then choose run this clock as its own window and
> position it somewhere or swallow it into a pannel such as FvwmButtons.

Dclock addict here.
Just like the big hours/minutes and the smaller day of week/date.

dclock -geometry 140x75-2+2 -date '%W  %m %d %Y' -fg green -bg black -fn 

Dan Espen

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