On Fri, 30 Nov 2012 02:28:16 -0800 (PST), Jason wrote:

> is fvwm still being developed anymore?

Check the source code repository¹? :-)

> are there any features planned or is it a dying project?

FVWM works great for me, so - to me - that means it is a very successful

I don't miss any features currently, so if there are no features planned
that doesn't make it a dying project, in my eyes.

If you want revolutions every other week, other projects are probably
more worth your while.

I think it would be much more accurate to call FVWM "mature".

  Best regards,


¹: Here is a service that makes statistics and stuff from free software
   repositories: https://www.ohloh.net/p/fvwm

 "I am still twitching at the idea that you need to           Adam Sjøgren
  load code into the kernel in order to re-map a         a...@koldfront.dk
  mouse button."

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