Tom Horsley wrote:
> I'll never use it, but I have nothing against it as long as
> you never make me change my own config file.
It never ever change any own config because it has its own folder
~/.fvwm-nightshade ^^
and if you use a graphical login manager you have an own entry for it.
So, you can use it parallel with your existing config :-)

> The most spectacularly useful thing about fvwm is that
> I can copy my own config from one fedora release to another
> and I always see the same interface which I know how to use.
> No learning how the heck to use all the "improvements" that
> gnome, kde, et. al. always want to foist on me :-).
Yeah, that's right ^^ 5 stars for Fvwm !!!

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