On 3 February 2013 23:04, Vincent W. Chen <vin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree that adding a note to Debian.README would be a good idea. But
> I don't think including the menu by default (i.e. when the user has no
> config file) is feasible, since that would substitute the problem of
> this thread with a new one. Namely, difference from upstream and
> causing support problem if there's a problem with the menu.

No it wouldn't.  Debian patch the crap out of software all the time;
the point here is that the Debian-specific menu not working has no
bearing over any other problems if this is the *only* thing which is
changed, because everything else is left as-is, whilst still giving
the user a chance to launch their favourite program, without the need
to launch xterm to do it.  Some people don't like to type out the
commands to start, alas.  :P

-- Thomas Adam

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