Dominique Michel <> writes:

> Hi,
> I am writing a font selector for fvwm-crystal with FvwmScript.
> Most of it work, but I didn't succeeded to use environment variables.
> In the config:
> SetEnv panel_font "Bitstream Cyberbit"
> In the script:
> Set $SelectorFont = {"xft:$[panel_font]:size=16"}
> but it doesn't work. I try everything I could think about, but nothing
> worked.
> Also thing like
> Set $PanelFont = (GetOutput {echo $[panel_font]} 1 -1)
> didn't work. This is with the last fvwm cvs.
> I will change those variables to infostore, but I am waiting the next
> fvwm release for that. (which will have EnvMatch that work with the
> infostore)

Sorry, I really don't know much about FvwmScript, but a quick read
of the man page doesn't say anything about environment variables or

Do you know if this is supposed to work?

Hmm, just checked:

grep -nH -e getenv *
FvwmScript.c:225:  sprintf(path,"%s/%s",getenv("FVWM_USERDIR"),filename);
Instructions.c:73:  home_dir = getenv("HOME");
Instructions.c:85:  FvwmUserDir = getenv("FVWM_USERDIR");
Instructions.c:1719:    home = getenv("HOME");

Doesn't look like there's any support.

A patch would be considered.

Dan Espen

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