Le Thu, 18 Jul 2013 14:01:46 +0200,
Ryo <cyclecr...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Le 13/07/2013 09:13, James Griffin a écrit :
> > Hi
> >
> > I have fvwm-menu-directory script setup in my menus nicely. What I
> > would also like to do, is have button on my self-configured
> > task-bar (using FvwmButtons, FvwmIconMan, ...) that pops up a
> > window displaying files in my home directory. I'd like to use
> > fvwm-menu-directory, if possible, as I don't have file manager
> > installed and don't really want one and I like the way
> > fvwm-menu-directory works.
> >
> > I use OpenBSD -current and I find that packaged GUI file managers
> > are a bit useless on this system and install a load of libraries
> > and stuff I don't care for. Obviously, when pressing said button
> > I'd want to be able to configure it's position and size, etc.
> >
> > What do you think would be the best way to achieve this or, is it
> > not really possible/worthwhile?
> >
> > Perhaps it could be used  in conjunction with another FvwmButtons
> > instance, such as a panel or something like that?
> >
> > Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Many thanks. Jamie.
> >
> >
> Maybe you could have a look to XFE ( http://roland65.free.fr/xfe/ )
> It is based on the FOX toolkit mainly
> Or you could also dive into fvwm-crystal , if my memory is still in
> good condition ,  someone coded ( dominique  ? ) a file manager with
> Fvwm only.
This is not a file manager, but a desktop manager.
By desktop manager, I mean icons on the dekstop. It have its own
preferences system (contextual menu) and the icons are separated in 3
groups, $HOME, the localized XDG user directories, and the mounted
partitions. These 3 groups are individually selectable, and the user
can bind any file manager he/she can think about to these icons. More
than 10 file managers are supported, even mc, and for the others, the
user can write its own custom commands. 2 different file managers or
custom commands are supported at the same time.

I am working on a new release that will correct a few bugs in
Crystal, and add (u)mount and p(u)mount support to these icons. I have
to make the tarball and publish it, this will be done hopefully today.
(u)mount will be used for the partitions with the user(s) option in the
fstab, and p(u)mount for the not fstab configured USB/Firewire external
devices. pmount-gui is also supported. 

The icons work also nicely with uam or autofs. That way, it is possible
to have a completely *kit free system, which is for me a must have
feature -:) I suppose it will work with a *kit system too, but cannot
test it. If someone can confirm or infirm this, I will really

As an alternative, nautilus and the rox-filer are supported as before,
but I find the new Crystal built-in icon manager is just the best. It
use double pictures icons, which is not bad either. Also, it is
implemented in its own file, so it must be easy to customize for
someone that need it. Anyway, the choice is to the user.

Also, FVWM-Crystal doesn't use fvwm-menu-directory, but have its own
application menu system, which have the advantage to respect the
additional FreeDesktop categories on any distribution, even those which
doesn't take care of the files in /etc/xdg/menus.


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