
I have put together a default configuration to go with Fvwm. The configuration 
could use some testing. To test this config, use the default-config branch on 

The default config will load if fvwm doesn't find any config file when 
starting. There is a script in the built in menu to copy the config into 
$FVWM_USERDIR or copy the default config from $PREFIX/share/fvwm/default-config.

A screenshot of the config can be found here 

xterm is the default terminal. Edit the infostore variable at the top to change 

If you have python-xdg and a .menu on your system, it should load a menu at 
start. The menu is not dynamic at this time.

If you have stalonetray installed the RightPanel will include a systemtray.

please share any comments you may have.


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