On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 12:18:15PM -0700, Jaimos Skriletz wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 4:43 PM, David Niklas <do...@mail.com> wrote:
> > On Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:13:49 +0000
> >
> > Not so much a question as a comment.
> > Many window managers and desktop environments have tried in vain to create
> > an automatic menu generator without success, I recommend that fvwm does
> > not attempt to do this, they break very easily over time.
> >
> Fvwm already provides such ability. The core of fvwm provides users with a
> configuration syntax to build menus and fvwm also provides a way for things
> to be scripted. So really an automatic menu generator is just a script that
> outputs the configuration syntax of fvwm.
> Within the core of fvwm is the method to build menus using the configuration
> syntax (which is one of the things that is planed to change in the future of
> fvwm) and create some sort of menu object that fvwm displays to the user.
> Independent of that is the ability to write scripts to generate menus. These
> can be from simple shell scripts, for i in wallpappers/*.jpg; do ... to build 
> a
> wallpaper menu as mentioned in the manpage, to more complicated perl
> and now python scripts: fvwm-menu-desktop, fvwm-menu-directory,
> fvwm-menu-headlines and fvwm-menu-xlock are all scripts provided by fvwm.
> On top of that you can write you own scripts to automatically generate menus
> on your system.
> So this ability is already there and I think done in a nice way.

Thanks, it's nice to see that people appreciate this work, and
that MissingSubmenuFunction and DynamicPopupAction still work as
they should as they always have.  It war certainly fun to code.  :-)


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

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