> >> When you click a mouse it should generate 2 X11 events:
> >> 
> >> ButtonPress
> >> ButtonRelease
> >
> >  I've just used xev to confirm that I see ButtonPress and ButtonRelease
> > events. However, what I have discovered is that I see additional events
> > with my FVWM configuration. Immediately before a ButtonPress, I also get:
> >
> > ButtonRelease event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x600001,
> >    root 0x26d, subw 0x0, time 672491078, (62,72), root:(856,280),
> >    state 0x100, button 1, same_screen YES
> The first event you see SHOULD be ButtonPress.
> Are you sure there is a release before the press?
> If so, bad hardware.
> (Still guessing.)

 Sorry, I failed to be clear in what I wrote (my fault). The sequence
of events for a button press and release is:


I mentioned the preceeding ButtonRelease to show that there was nothing
in between this sequence, and I accidentally left out the ButtonRelease
in my transcript.

 The LeaveNotify, EnterNotify, and KeymapNotify happen in a burst
immediately before the ButtonPress (and all of them happen as I press the
button down). The ButtonRelease happens after I let up the button, so I
can create as much delay as I want between ButtonPress and ButtonRelease
by continuing to hold it down.

> >  If I comment out all Mouse 0 and 1 bindings from my fvwmrc-2.5
> > file (from the URL) *except* either:
> > 
> >     Mouse   1       A               MS              Iconify
> > or
> >     Mouse   1       A               M               Raise
> > 
> > then I see the extra LeaveNotify / EnterNotify / KeymapNotify sequence
> > in xev and clicking on links no longer works in Corebird.
> > 
> > If I comment out those two bindings but leave everything else commented
> > in, I don't see any problems.
> Try using another modifier besides Meta.
> X11 looks for a KeyPress event to know Meta is on and KeyRelease
> to know it is off.  Use xev to verify that pressing Meta only produces
> a press followed by a release.

 I've verified that any modifier appears to do this, and that all of
my modifiers produce only KeyPress then KeyRelease events when pressed
down and then released by themselves.

(And, to be clear, I'm not holding down any modifiers when doing these
button clicks.)

 Also, it occurred to me that I have 'A' bindings for Mouse 2 and Mouse
3 as well. Testing with xev shows that both of these mouse buttons also
produce the same burst of LeaveNotify, EnterNotify, and KeymapNotify
immediately before a button-down event in xev.  This is exactly what
I'd expect if there is something in how fvwm processes these 'Anywhere'
bindings that is causing these events to be generated.

        - cks

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