On Sun, Oct 01, 2017 at 12:52:22AM +0200, Didier Spaier wrote:
> Hello,
> I like very much FVWM, especially the ability it gives the user to
> easily manage individually a big number of windows.
> But I would like that the users of the Slint Linux distribution that
> I maintain be able to save and restore their sessions.

Unfortunately, this is not really something FVWM can help with these days.
While FVWM does have good XSM support, a lot of the other DEs out there seem
to have implemented their own idea of how to save the state of open windows,
without there being a commonality across DEs and WMs.

FVWM used to have FvwmSave and FvwmSaveDesk, but I removed these as they were
fundamentally broken.   They relied on the application setting WM_COMMAND
which only a few applications bothered to set (mostly X11 applications) so
that won't work with more recent applications.

So all in all, you're better off manually defining applications to start
during StartFunction.

-- Thomas Adam

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