On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 08:55:43AM +0530, Bhupendra Kumar Jain wrote:
> The problem arises when I try the subsequent command to make that page
> Non-Sticky again e.g. When I try below command, *I get errors as - Sticky:
> Event not found.*
> Next (FooBar, CurrentPage) WindowStyle !Sticky
> So in a way, the moment I put *"!" or "No" or "Not" *before Sticky, I start
> getting errors when the commands are executed and the window which was
> sticky earlier doesn't get changed to Non-Sticky anytime.

This sounds as though you're using this:

        FvwmCommand Next (...) WindowStyle !Sticky

Which, if I take this literally, along with your error message ("event not
found"), this is indicative of your shell trying to expand "!Sticky" as
history expansion.

> Has it got to do with Fvwm version that "!" is not being supported for me?

No.  You just need to use more quotes around what your shell is interpreting
and what FVWM receives.

At this point though, this has nothing to do with FVWM.

-- Thomas Adam

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