On Fri, Feb 07, 2020 at 05:30:43PM +0100, Peter Holm wrote:
> I often restart fvwm. With tons of windows open. So that no windows
> are open - cant be the reason.


> I have written in this thread espcially about that - and maybe found a
> way out of it.
> But the message is stalled . So I have to wait until it been moderated.

You're sending each message twice to the list, so one of them is
stalled because it's a duplicate.

> And I prefere to not use fvwm-event in this case - out of several
> reasons. I have the thumbnail-function executed every time i switch
> desktop.
> I just want a helper function that I runs only when needed.

Well, as written before, "All" executes an action for each window.
If that does not do what you expect, it's because the called
function does not do what you expect.  Try it out in FvwmConsole,
for example with

  ThisWindow <your function>


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

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