Peter G <> writes:

> On 5/28/20 7:32 AM, Dan Espen wrote:
>> Peter G <> writes:
>>> On 5/27/20 5:06 PM, Dan Espen wrote:
>>>> peter g <> writes:
>>>>> Hi Everyone:
>>>>> i have a frustrating issue with fvwm and casting from google's chrome,
>>>>> that maybe somebody has a workaround for.
>>>>> Normally, under any other WM i've tried (and also on windows), in the
>>>>> chrome browser, choosing "Cast", will pop up a small window that asks
>>>>> the user what device to cast to. Unfortunately in fvwm that little
>>>>> window with those options does not show up.
>>>>> I've tried both with my config, but also with a very fvwm config such as:
>>>>> key c  A CM FvwmConsole
>>>>> key r  A CM Restart
>>>>> Key u  A CM Exec xterm
>>>>> If anyone has a work around, that would be much appreciated, as
>>>>> casting, for better or worse, is very useful to me.
>>>> I've got chromium, not google-chrome.
>>>> I click on the 3 dots on the second line,
>>>> a menu pops up, I select "cast".
>>>> A dialog box pops up labeled "cast tab".
>>>> It searches for devices and finds none.
>>>> That dialog box is internal to the browser, it's not a window manager 
>>>> window.
>>> You're probably correct - I've tried Thomas' trick to see transient
>>> windows' info and don't see any messages from fvwm.
>>> I had actually initially thought this was a chrome issue, but the
>>> little 'cast' window does show up when I log into a different window
>>> manager.
>> I'm going to first take a wild guess, perhaps while running Fvwm
>> you don't have enough of a "desktop" environment running to make
>> Chrome happy.
> this indeed may very well be! Can't quite figure out what it would be
> though.
> icewm, as far as I remember for example, is pretty bare bones as far
> as what it loads, and casing works there.
>>   In my .xinitrc I start some of that stuff like this:
>> . /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc-common
>> /usr/libexec/notification-daemon &
>> I don't know if that will help.
> starting the notification-daemon doesn't help. I don't know what you
> do inside your xinitrc-common though.
> I've also tried fudging  XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP, as vaguely remember it
> worked for some 'desktop-env-requied' type problems in the past.

That variable isn't set for me.

> But not here.

Well, I just downloaded and installed google-chrome.
Still works.

I'm running recent fvwm2, Fedora 31.

>> To dig deeper, you might attach "strace" to Chrome then try to
>> open the Cast window.  Look though the output for errors that
>> might be confusing Chrome.
> Thanks for the suggestion. Tried playing with that... even filtering
> out a gazillion messages, it's a bit hard to judge which ones are
> related to that option and what they mean.

I was afraid of that.
I was hoping that if you got chrome running and just attached strace
during the click that fails to create the window then killing the trace
you'd have a reasonable amount of output and ideally an error that makes

Not sure what else to use for tracing.

I've had browsers fail due to bad configuration data.
You might try

quitting google-chrome.
rename ~/.config/google-chrome to something else.
then retry.

So far I can't make sense of what you reported, working with other WMs
but not with Fvwm.  That's not an X window so Fvwm shouldn't have any impact.

Failing all that, perhaps compiling Chromium from source and finding
the logic in question...

Dan Espen

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