On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 04:59:42PM +0200, Dr Rainer Woitok wrote:
> Thomas,

Hello Rainer,

> On Saturday, 2020-08-15 12:36:24 +0100, you wrote:
> > ...
> > Custom tooltips aren't possible in FvwmButtons yet.
> Well, I think I'll survive with just the clock :-)


> However, two other minor problems showed up:
> 1. While the names  of the buttons  in FvwmButtons  are placed normally,
>    the names of the FvwmIconMan buttons  are placed  (using format "%t")
>    as if  all names started  with two  or three blanks,  which is just a
>    minor waste of time.   That's probably just the space occupied by the
>    square box shown for iconified windows.   But even whith "ShowNoIcons
>    True" neither this box nor this space goes away.   What's the correct
>    option to use?

Show me your config and I'll take a look.

> 2. After I upgraded  again from  Fvwm version 2.6.5-r3  to 2.6.9 I found
>    that the  manpage  "/usr/share/man/man1/fvwm.1.bz2"  is missing.   Is
>    this Gentoo specific or did I look in the wrong place?

Sounds like the '--enable-mandoc' option to ./configure wasn't passed?
Depends how you upgraded.  I'm afraid I know next to nothing about Gentoo and
would like to keep it that way.  :)


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