A little while back I posted how I start the Fedora supplied
"notification-deamon" from my .xinitrc.

Now I feel a little guilty.

The "notification daemon" violates all the rules fvwm users live by.
I wanted to move the notification window from the upper right corner of
my screen where it covers dclock.  What good is a notification of an
upcoming event when you can't even see what time it is.  I searched and
searched and even downloaded the source code.  It doesn't look like
you can control anything it does.

So, a kind poster on Fedora Forums set me on the right path.
There's a source code only package called "dunst" that allows you
to control everything an Fvwm user would want in a notification
daemon.  Search for it, and you will find it.  The instructions
for build aren't perfect but close enough that you'll figure it out.
Starting it is as simple as executing "dunst".

Okay, now I feel better.

Dan Espen

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