I used this (and set larger fonts for urxvt, emacs etc.)


Currently I use my config on two machines, I solved this by templating some fonts/geometry in my fvwmrc, put the different settings in two yaml files and run the substitution from .xinitrc.

2022. 12. 05. 18:26 keltezéssel, Jaimos Skriletz írta:
On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 9:56 AM Stephen Dennison <stephe...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Dec 4, 2022 at 3:33 PM Klaus Ethgen <klaus+f...@ethgen.ch> wrote:
I have a new laptop with 3840x2400 graphic. Unfortunately, that is too
much to be visible so I use it with only 1920x1200. Unfortunately, the
controls are still very small.
I have a similar issue with one of my systems.

Is there any way to scale all fvwm components by, say, factor 250%?
I can't think of an *easy* way for FVWM to do this for you, but
depending on the method you are using for scaling, there are some
things you can try using xrandr.

If you are only setting the output mode via`--mode`, you still have an
issue with dpi.  You can adjust both to get the desired effect.  See
the `--dpi` argument in the man page.

note the --dpi argument is only for old xfonts, which most apps don't
use. Instead you should be using xft fonts, in which case you can use
.Xdefaults to set a dpi scaling for xft fonts. I use 'Xft.dpi: 120' on
my 2k monitor setup.


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