On Tue, May 09, 2023 at 08:51:00PM +0100, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> Am Mo den  8. Mai 2023 um 19:24 schrieb Thomas Adam:
> > In fvwm3, randr support supports this without a restart, but it needs more
> > testing.
> That brings me to the topic I did long postponed.
> How to best move from fvwm2 to fvwm3?



Along with release notes:


I also recall cks writing a blog post about this:


> I just gave it a try and found several incompatibilities.

You will do -- this is now a feature, and not a bug.

> First I notice that fvwm3 does log nothing to .xsession-errors by
> itself. I have to start it with `-v -o -`.

It will log some things to stderr, but given how some display managers now
redirect this, it was becoming more and more inconsistent.  So yes, if you
want to see output from fvwm3, you can use:

  fvwm3 -v
  pkill -HUP fvwm3

The signal will toggle the logging.  BTW, the default log file location is

> The next is that there is somewhere default config that overwrite or
> replace parts of my config.

No -- no more than fvwm already has.

> I just put my current and growed config to [0].
> - Xinerama (Line 8/9) does not work anymore, what is the correct
>   replacement?

There isn't.  You now need to use xrandr(1) or some other tool to represent
your monitors, and fvwm3 will automatically use that.

> - The Colorset styles seems to be broken that way
> - HilightBack and HilightFore style not supported
> - Color style not supported

Correct.  Use colorsets for everything now.

> - FvwmProxy gone


> - The title line is completely different now. I use to have blue for
>   activated window and grey for inactive. Now it is the opposite (Have
>   to do with HilightFore and HilightBack)

Again, use colorsets.

> - How to have a config file for both versions with some
>   in-config-switches to choose between incompatible options?

You could use:

Test (Version ....), but I would suggest converting your config file across.

fvwm2 isn't being maintained any more.  And fvwm3 was never guaranteed to be
backwards compatible with fvwm2 -- it tries to be in that those areas which
haven't changed will still work, but at some point things will diverge.


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