Dan Espen wrote:
> Felix Karpfen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Do I really run "make install" as user, or do I run it as root and set
> > up the file system permissions afterwards.
> I believe by default it will attempt to install in /usr/local.
> If you have to be root to write there, then do the install as root.

That explains everything - including all my previous (successful)
attempts to compile from source codes.  The installed programs all ended
up in /usr/local.

> You can configure with --prefix=somedirectory and if you can write
> in that directory, you don't have to be root.

I am looking at the possibility of using the "stow" <program|routines>
for future compiles from source.  But I do not think that fvwm2 is a
good candidate for experiments of this sort.
> > And - while having the attention of an fvwm guru - what other readings are
> > an absolute "must" before I attempt to configure and use the downloaded
> > program.
> After configure runs it produces a setting of important options it
> detected, you should review them to make sure they are what you want.

The messages from the "configure" run were - on the whole - very

Specifically the messages advised:

Support GNOME, GTK, GDK Imlib, GNOME support in Fvwm.

I presume that these messages mean what they say.

I have now read the INSTALL.fvwm notes and note that there are
compile-time options, most of which are enabled by default.

So, before I plunge ahead recklessly, I just want to flag that - on my
box - I have opted not to install GNOME.  Until now, I have used KDE and
the attraction of  fvwm2 is its absence of needless bloat.

This would be negated if fvwm2 needs more of GNOME than is currently
installed.  So this email is just a doublecheck that the output of
"configure" can safely be taken at their face value.

And I hope that I will succeed in making sense of the man page if the
rest of the install runs as smoothly as the first stage did..

I propose to start with a supplied script for fvwm2rc and have
downloaded the perl program for tweaking the rc file - after I have
found my feet.

> You might want to make sure you build in the location of your icons
> so you don't need to put ImagePath in your .fvwm2rc.
I will work out what that advice means in due course.  The config.log has
one line to say that it has checked the imagepath.

Meanwhile I would like to send my thanks to all who replied to my first
query so promptly and hope that their patience is not put to the test by
this follow-up message.

Felix Karpfen

Felix Karpfen
Public Key 72FDF9DF (DH/DSA)

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