On 01 Jun 2002 23:39:41 +0200, Riswick, J.G.A. van wrote:
> I've been tweaking my fvwm setup and have been looking
> quite a lot at cde/motif. One thing I saw in that setup
> is a 'double inset' around the inner rim of the window
> border. With the current mwm border style, the client area
> of the window appears sunken relative to the title bar and
> window border. When a second inset, with reversed colors is
> displayed, the client area appears on the same level as the 
> title bar, ie 'raised'. This looks really good for 
> dialogs and other windows containing gui elements. Please
> compare the two dialogs in the image below, one without
> double inset, one with double inset:
> http://www.xs4all.nl/~josvanr/inset.png
> Maybe this would be a nice and not too difficult feature 
> to implement some time.

It is a function of a client window to draw the main area raised, lowered
or flat. Only client knows which shadow and higlight colors to use (based
on the background), FVWM has no any idea which colors to use for the
"raised client" effect.

Also a menu may be drawn even more "raised" by a toolkit.


BTW, why don't you use border handles, real CDE has them. :)

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