On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, Dominik Vogt wrote:

> > Ah. On the FVWM home page it says:
> >
> >     Latest Alpha Release:  2.5.3
> >
> > which I must admit has coloured my thinking a bit.
> Doh.  When the web site is updated the next time it will read
> "very unstable" instead of "alpha".

1)  I am at this point using 2.5.2 more or less because I have to.
    I used a very early version of fvmw for years with no problems
    and then upgraded to xwindows 4.2 which caused significant problems
    with the mouse-menu interaction. An upgrade to fvwm-2.4.8 did not
    solve the problems whereas the alpha version fvwm-2.5.2 did. I've
    used fvwm-2.5.2 for a while now and for my use it works fine.
    With fvwm-2.5.3 the problems started again.

2)  It looks like the following are not getting execute permission
    when installed. For instance:
        sh-2.05b# fvwm-bug
        sh: /usr/local/bin/fvwm-bug: Permission denied
    A chmod fixes it.


3) I built with the following configure options
   and it builds fine but I don't understand where the messages
   get piped to. syslogd? an fvwm console?

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