On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 01:34:36PM -0400, Stephen Dennison wrote:
> I tried to be as detailed as possible so bare with me...
> This is what happens:
>       I'm using X for a while, but then I need to get up and walk away
> from the machine for whatever reason.  So I call xlock (or maybe it's
> xlockmore...) to lock my screen, then I get up and walk away.  If I'm away
> for more than say 15 minutes, the machine goes into power save.  When I
> return, I move the mouse, the system comes back up (when I say power save,
> I just mean the monitors go blank [instead of displaying the xmatrix
> screensaver from xlock]) and I need to enter my password to use the
> machine.

That's the screen saver built in into X.  It might interfere with
xlock too.  Disable it with

  xset s off

in your ~/.xinitrc.

> I type in my password, the screen saver goes away, and I can
> continue working.

The X screen saver does not handle passwords, so I assume you
typed it into xlock.

> There is one problem however, I can't move any of the
> windows via clicking the titlebar and dragging, via a mouse binding I
> added for holding alt and clicking anywhere on the window, or by using the
> Fvwm Window-Ops menu that was a part of a .fvwm2rc that I copied into
> mine.  When I move the mouse to the edge of the window, I cannot resize
> the window either.
> It seems as though the only way that I can resize or move the windows is
> by clicking in the icon in the upper left corner of the titlebar (i forget
> which one or number corresponds to the position) that calls a function
> nearly identical to Window-Ops called Window-Ops2 (the only difference
> being no Title section in the Window-Ops2) and using the "Move" selection
> from it.
> Interestingly enough, another solution is by running timetool, selecting a
> day at least one day past the current and applying the change so that the
> display resets(ie both monitors blink off momentarily and then come back
> on).  Sometimes changing the hour is enough, but it has to be a future
> time.  Changing it to a time in the past will not let me move windows
> regardless as to whether or not the change caused the displays to reset.
> Also if I have to do this several times in a day, I have to move it at
> least one day past the currently displayed day as opposed to the real day.

Interesting.  Fvwm relies heavily on a consistent X server time.
Events that are older than 30 seconds (I think) may be ignored.
My guess is that some application that is somehow related with
screen saving screws the system clock or the X server clock.

Try killing all these funny applications that might grab the
pointer.  If

  Mouse 1 FSTW A Move-or-Resize" 

does not work, fvwm does not get any input from the mouse at all.


> Key bindings from .fvwm2rc:

> Mouse 1 TS N Move-or-Resize

This binding is completely overridden by the next one.

> Mouse 1 FSTW A Move-or-Resize
> AddToFunc Move-or-Raise "I" Raise
> + "M" Move
> + "D" Lower
> AddToMenu Window-Ops2 "Move" Move
> + "Resize" Resize
> .
> .
> .
> Oh, and no, the num-lock, caps-lock, etc keys are not pressed.
> I forget the name of the utility I ran to see if any of the modifier keys
> were being pressed, but there were none 'stuck'
> ANY help would be appreciated, my apologies if there are inconsistencies
> in the details provided, it would be impossible to take the machine with
> the problems online or transfer any software from it to a computer that
> does have an internet connection (ie I can't post the .fvwm2rc file or
> give detailed output for commands run.)


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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