On Tue, 2003-04-22 at 04:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to install the latest vision of fvwm 2.5.6 on my debian system.
> My debian is unstable. My problem is that when I config fvwm, it can't
> enable xft, in the log, first it can't find fontconfig-config, and
> can't find a xft version >= 2.0, but I'm sure that in my system, I've
> installed libxft2.0 and fontconfig and the libs.. I don't what's wrong,
> how can I solve it..
> anybody can help me? thank you!

xft switched to pkgconfig instead of having a separate -config script. 
I meant to mention this to the list, but I like to provide solutions
when I do and I didn't feel like wrangling with autoconf.  I promptly
forgot about it.

I did, however, make a workaround at the time: I'm attaching a
fontconfig-config script which is basically just a wrapper around
pkgconfig.  The script's not perfect, but it works well enough to
compile fvwm.


for arg in "$@"; do
	case "$arg" in
			ARGS="$ARGS --modversion"
			ARGS="$ARGS $arg"

exec pkg-config fontconfig $ARGS

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